
Music for us (el nuevo nombre de jueves musicales)


Hola, aloha a los compadres que leen el blog )? si si, hoy estoy super feliz porque aprobé mi materia archienemiga que es matemática (-eh ganado esta vez matemática - no te saldrás con la tuya ). También tome cepita, osea estoy muy loquita. Bueno como verán hice un nuevo cartelito y le cambie de nombre a los especiales. Me gusta y le da un poco más de estilo (O.O). Porque empecé a usar photoshop, antes me parecía chino básico ( vamos bien jaja) pero le estoy dando la mano.
Bueno lectores con buena onda que leen el blog la canción de esta semana no es conocida (como la mayoría, así que se vallan acostumbrando) es de Keane y se llama (redoble tum, tum) Stop for a minute.
La banda es una de mis favoritas después de Maroon 5 (que sigo mal porque nos los fui a ver) ... Me calló y espero que la disfruten.

Some days, feels my soul has left my body
Feel I'm floating high above me
Like I'm looking down upon me

Start sinking, everytime I get to thinking
It's easier to keep on moving
Never stop to let the truth in

Sometimes I feel like it's all been done
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one
Sometimes I wanna change everything I've ever done
But too tired to fight and yet too scared to run

And if I stop for a minute
I think about things I really don't wanna know
And I'm the first to admit it
Without you I'm a liner stranded in an ice floe

I feel like a thief who has no face
Made imortal by the grade
Of the drugs you took that day

Sinking in the pain he's been inflicting
Yet he's feeling like the victim
Just a horoscope's to blame

Sometimes I feel like a little lost child
Sometimes I feel like the chosen one
Sometimes I wanna shout out 'til everything goes quiet
Sometimes I wonder why I was ever born

And if I stop for a minute
I think about things really I don't wanna know
And I'm the first to admit it
Without you I'm child and so wherever you go
I will follow

And baby you are just beautiful from crown to your cuticles
You held down my two sons, you never frown when duty calls
You know me, I gave you more than you can handle
But you still keep a handle on it, even when I take something beautiful and vandal on it
No more females? Well how come my emails got notes on a scandal
It's like Eve with the apple,
A priest in the chapel
Overcome by the devil's tackle
I'm still shackling the bad til I know
I'm such a hassle every time I let my thoughts go
I get baffled so I hardly pause
I just crossed seas with these gnarly broads
Cos it hurts me just to see what I finally lost
So I guess I'm just a fiend
Consumed by the scene
The stage and the screens
Where it's just me and Keane

And if I stop for a minute
I think about things I really don't wanna know
So I guess I'm just a fiend
Consumed by the scene
And I'm the first to admit it
Without you I'm a liner stranded in an ice floe
The stage and the screens
Where it's just me and Keane

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3 Comentarios

  1. Nunca había oído esta canción, pero la verdad es que me gusta mucho el ritmo ^^
    Muy bonito el nuevo cartel y el nombre. Y enhorabuena por haber aprobado matemáticas :D
    Un abrazo

  2. Keane es una banda que me encanta,y la verdad que esta cancion esta muuuy buena, se merecia un jueves musical

  3. ;D Me gusta descubir nuevas canciones y por eso me gusta esta seccion! XD Me encanta la imagen *-* podrian ser naruto y hinata? *se libero la parte otaku en mi*
    Un beso y ¡aplausos por tu victoria en matematicas!


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