
Jueves Musicales ♪


Hola personas que se dejan llevar. 
Bueno hago esta entradita sin explicar tanto para dejarles ya la canción.
Esta cantante la conocí así: (lean porque la historia es algo rara)
Mi hermano tiene un DVD de Disney y en una propaganda aparecía  una canción re linda, y como me súper gusto la empezó a buscar y por fin ( días después) la encontré. Por si la quieren escuchar se llamas EveryBody
Pero la canción de este Jueves Musical es: 
(Redoble de tambores)
You and I de Ingrid Michaelson.

Don't you worry there my honey
We might not have any money
But we've got our love to pay the bills

Maybe I think you're cute and funny
Maybe I wanna do want bunnies do with you
If you know what I mean

Oh lets get rich and buy our parents
Homes in the south of France
Lets get rich
And give everybody nice sweaters
And teach them how to dance
Lets get rich and build a house
On a mountain making everybody
Look like ants
From way up there, you and I, you and I

Well you might be a bit confused
And you might be a little bit bruised
But baby how we spoon like no one else
So I will help you read those books
If you will soothe my worried looks
And we will put the lonesome on the shelf

Lets get rich and buy our parents
Homes in the south of France
Lets get rich and give everybody
Nice sweaters and teach them how to dance
Lets get rich and build a house
On a mountain making everybody
Look like ants
From way up there,
You and I, you and I

Lets get rich and buy our parents
Homes in the south of France
Lets get rich and give everybody
Nice sweaters
And teach them how to dance
Lets get rich and build a house
On a mountain making everybody
Look like ants
From way up there,
You and I, you and I

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2 Comentarios

  1. :D Me gusto la cancion. Y en cuanto a la otra... mmm la buscare XD
    Un beso :)

  2. I like the Ingrid's song! (jaja mola comentar en inglés xD)
    Y en cuanto a la otra canción, hace unos días me pasó algo parecido. La música está presente en todas partes y de todas las formas posibles ;)
    Un abrazo! :3


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